

Ingres began as a research project at the University of California, Berkeley, starting in the early 1970s and ending in 1985. The original code, like that from other projects at Berkeley, was available at minimal cost under a version of the BSD license.

Ingres spawned a number of commercial database applications, including Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, NonStop SQL and a number of others.

Postgres (Post Ingres), a project which started in the mid-1980s, later evolved into PostgreSQL.

Full Convert supports Ingres database directly.

Ingres data types we support


bigint (integer8), integer (int, integer4), smallint, tinyint


decimal (numeric), float (float8, double precision, f8), money, real (float4, f4)


char, long nvarchar, long varchar, nchar, nvarchar, varchar (text)


byte, byte var


date (ansidate), ingresdate, time, timestamp (timestamp without time zone), timestamp with time zone

Large objects

long byte, long nvarchar, long varchar



Export Ingres database

It may make sense to migrate your data away from Ingres. You may want to do it permanently or just need to share your tables with a collague in a different format.

We will copy all your tables with their data and apply indexing and relationships exactly as they are in your current Ingres database. In a nutshell, you get exactly the same database in another database engine. Each time you run the migration, we will copy all the tables again. Of course, we have a built-in scheduler, so you can run this overnight and have a fresh database copy in the morning.

Take a look at the quick tutorials below to see how it's done.